Almost everyone in Louisiana has a story about a car accident where a car got totaled, people got injured, or both when one of the cars involved was not even moving. There is something about the layout of Louisiana streets where parked cars are not safely out of the way of traffic. Perhaps a passing… Read More
Posts Categorized In: Protecting
What Do Chicken Strips Have to Do With Your Motorcycle Accident Case?
In Louisiana, chicken strips are one of life’s great pleasures. We were marinating them in Tony’s and dipping them in ranch dressing before it became a nationwide trend; if you do not know what Tony’s is, you must not be from Louisiana. Riding a motorcycle in Louisiana is every bit as much a peak experience… Read More
Everything Is Worse Without Seatbelts
Helicopter parents begin researching the safest vehicles on the market for years before their little darlings become old enough for driver’s ed. What they do not take into account is that the safest safety feature is not one of the most expensive; in fact, it has been a fixture of every seat in every car… Read More
Beware of Four-Wheeled Holiday Gifts
Your family members are never too old for their eyes to light up when they receive a Christmas gift they truly love, but once their ages hit the double digits, you have to work harder for the holiday gift exchange to provide the same joy. Elementary school-aged children will jump up and down with delight… Read More
Three Underrated Car Safety Features to Be Grateful For
Some people are aficionados of classic cars. Your grandpa can probably tell you about every gear and every knob in the first car he ever drove; maintaining his car probably made him feel as cool as driving it did. A lot of young people have never known the feeling of sliding across an expansive leather… Read More