If you are considering seeking damages for the injuries you suffered in a car accident, you have probably been researching lawyers’ websites and watching videos on YouTube. Most of the examples you find in your preliminary research probably involve two-vehicle accidents, where the driver who was not at fault sues the at-fault driver. What happens if there was only one car involved in the accident, though? You cannot file a lawsuit against yourself. There are, however, several scenarios in which a person injured in a single-vehicle collision could be able to collect damages in a personal injury lawsuit. To find out more about your rights as a person injured in a single-vehicle crash, contact a Houma, Louisiana car accident lawyer.

Passenger Injured in a Single-Vehicle Accident

The most common type of lawsuit resulting from a single-vehicle collision is one where a passenger in the car sues the driver of the car that crashed. Since there are no other drivers, involved, that driver is considered at fault for the accident, unless there are extraordinary circumstances as detailed below.

For example, last month, Livingston Parish was the site of a tragic single-vehicle accident where a car overturned on the median on I-12. The driver, Slade Hutchinson, 18, suffered serious injuries, while the passenger, 16-year-old Giovanni Barrera, was ejected from the vehicle and later died of his injuries. Hutchinson was wearing a seatbelt at the time of the accident, but Barrera was not. It is unclear if any lawsuits have been filed in connection to this accident.

Premises Liability: Dangerous Roads

If the accident resulted from preventable dangerous road conditions, people injured in a single-vehicle accident could have grounds for a lawsuit against the governmental agency responsible for the road. For example, liability might apply if the accident could have been prevented if there had been a sign warning drivers that a lane ends abruptly or if the accident was the result of a railroad crossing malfunction.

 Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey About Single-Vehicle Car Accidents

A car accident lawyer can help you if you got injured in a single-vehicle accident, whether you were the driver or a passenger. Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey in Houma, Louisiana to see if you have grounds for a lawsuit.