People from small towns may feel a sense of panic when they reach the New Orleans exits of I-10; there are so many lanes of traffic, all moving so fast, besides the looping exit ramps that tower above the busy roads below. Accidents in urban sections of interstate highways can be disastrous, for sure. If a truck driver made a false move while trying to change lanes to exit to the Central Business District of New Orleans, major damage and multiple injuries or fatalities could result. Car accidents on rural roads can be just as bad, though. Even though rural car accidents are less likely to involve multi-vehicle pileups, the fact that there are fewer cars and fewer traffic lights on country roads makes it easy for drivers to lose track of how fast they are driving.  Likewise, the fact that there are fewer streetlights and neon signs makes it harder to see at night, increasing the risk of single-vehicle accidents.  If you have been injured in a car accident in a rural area of Terrebonne Parish or anywhere in Louisiana, contact a Houma car accident lawyer.

Outpouring of Support for Devastated Family

Mamou is a small town in Evangeline Parish where everyone knows everyone. Late in the evening on October 30, Eric and Maria Ardoin were driving north in their SUV on La. 367 with two of their four children. Stacy Lemoine Stevens of Eunice was driving south when he lost control of his car and veered into the northbound lanes, colliding with the Ardoin family’s vehicle. Stevens was pronounced dead at the scene. He was 49 years old.

Also killed in the collision was George Ardoin, the 4-year-old son of Eric and Maria. Their 15-year-old son Tansey Ardoin suffered injuries that required hospitalization, including a lacerated spleen. By Wednesday, he had recovered from his injuries enough to be discharged from the hospital, but since then, he has not left the bedsides of his parents, whose injuries are even more severe.

Maria had to have both of her legs amputated as a result of the injuries she suffered in the accident. Eric remains medically sedated, since the prognosis of his injuries is better if he remains perfectly still for several days. Meanwhile, the Mamou community has rallied in support of the Ardoin family. They are raising money to cover funeral expenses and medical treatment, as well as the renovations that will be necessary to make the family’s house wheelchair accessible.

Car accident victims and their families have the right to seek damages from the at-fault party. In this case, since Stevens died in the accident, they have the right to file a claim against his estate.

Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey About Car Accidents on Rural Roads

People injured in car accidents have the same rights no matter where in Louisiana the accident takes place, and a car accident lawyer can help you recover damages. Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey in Houma, Louisiana to see if you have grounds for a lawsuit.