Ask the attendees at a 20-year high school reunion to write the quadratic formula from memory or to create a quadratic equation from memory, and most of them cannot do it. The only ones who can are the ones whose jobs require them to teach math or to calculate the motion of falling objects. For everyone else, the quadratic formula is just something they had to learn in eighth-grade algebra class. They probably remember studying it, losing a lot of points on tests, and seeing the teacher solve quadratic equations on the board. Perhaps they even remember a few of their teachers’ favorite quadratic equation-related mnemonics and witticisms, but it is no longer a practical skill they have. Likewise, you probably forgot most of what you learned in driver’s ed. Six driving lessons are enough to introduce you to the rules of the road, but they are not enough to prevent bad habits from forming. Most drivers have bad habits, and they persist in them until they cause an accident, or perhaps even longer. If you got injured in an accident caused by a driving mistake that driver’s ed teachers love to fuss about, contact a Houma car accident lawyer.
Unless your car is older than the average kindergartner, it will flash lights on your side view mirror when another car is too close for you to safely change lanes. It will show you what is behind you when you shift the car into reverse, and it might even brake if you get too close to an obstacle. While these technologies have prevented many accidents and lessened the severity of others, none of this is a substitute for your own caution. If another driver rear-ends your car, the insurance companies will not say that it was the car’s responsibility to brake sooner.
Most of Louisiana’s roads are not busy highways with three or more lanes in each direction. Despite this, it is still important to use your turn signals to enable other drivers to anticipate your next moves.
An incomplete stop at a stop sign, sometimes called “California stop sign,” may seem like a harmless display of overconfidence, but it can cause a catastrophic accident at a four-way stop. Stop sign rules seem simple, but it takes practice to get used to whose turn it is to go next when multiple cars stop at a stop sign. Plenty of accidents happen because of stop sign mistakes, and if one of these causes your accident and the insurance company attributes an unfairly large share of the fault to you, it may be time to dust off the manual you studied before getting your driver’s license.
A car accident lawyer can help you if you have suffered a serious injury after a car accident caused by a mundane mistake. Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey in Houma, Louisiana, to set up a consultation about your case.