Every year, car manufacturers advertise the new features of their cars which, they claim, are even safer than last year’s safety features. Some improvements to the design of cars, such as seat belts that fit across the hips and upper body, have made a big difference, but what about everything else? You do not have to think about this most of the time, because many of the design features that make cars safer are standard parts of almost all cars on the market, but so are some that cause more injuries than they prevent. Furthermore, some aspects of road design, installed with the best intentions, actually contribute to accidents. When you file a car accident injury lawsuit, you are often trying to show how the other driver’s negligence caused the accident, but sometimes there is more to the story than that. A Louisiana car accident injury lawyer can help you weigh your options regarding lawsuits against other drivers, car manufacturers, or even a city or parish.

Dangerous Features in Cars

If not manufactured or installed properly, any part of your car can be dangerous. An automatic transmission that does not shift as it should, brakes that do not engage, or a steering wheel that does not turn are just some examples of problems things can go wrong with cars, causing accidents or making them worse. These features, some of which are uncommon in the cars on the road today, especially have a reputation for being dangerous. Airbags can prevent serious injuries, or they can cause them. Some airbags have deployed with excessive force causing injuries and car manufacturers have recalled millions of vehicles because of defective airbags/components of airbags.

Dangerous Features of Streets

Sometimes the dangers do not lie in the cars themselves but in road design or failure to maintain the road..  For example, there may be inadequate signage or a defect in a road that causes a car accident.

Contact Patrick Yancey About Car Accident Cases

Many times, a complex combination of factors contributes to a car accident; a car accident injury lawyer can help you present a compelling case for the defendant’s negligence. Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey in Houma, Louisiana to see if you have grounds for a lawsuit.