Getting reimbursement from your car insurance company after an accident is supposed to be easy, but too often, drivers face unpleasant surprises and unexpected delays. Insurance companies keep asking you for more information, even about things where you have already submitted documents or told your story about what happened. Then, weeks or even months after the accident, you get a letter from the insurance company, and the attached check is for a much lower amount than you were expecting, not enough to cover your vehicle repairs, the cost of renting a car while yours was in the repair shop, and your accident-related medical bills. Even worse, sometimes you get a notice that the company has denied your claim entirely and refuses to pay you anything. If you sign to accept a settlement offer, there is little you can do to increase the amount you get on your insurance claim. You can, however, call the insurance company when you receive the letter and argue that the settlement amount is not enough. A Houma car accident attorney can help you do this; even better, if you work with a lawyer from the beginning, you have a better chance of getting an adequate settlement the first time around.

Act Quickly to Gather Evidence

The insurance company’s main goal is to make money; therefore, they will try to pay as little as possible on your claim. The burden of proof is on you to show that the vehicle damage and the medical expenses you are claiming are due to the accident and not to any other cause. Therefore, you should take pictures of the vehicle damage at the scene of the accident. You should also go to your doctor or to an urgent care clinic or hospital emergency room on the day of the accident to be examined, even if you do not have visible injuries. Some injuries, like whiplash and concussions, begin to show symptoms several hours or several days after the accident, and the doctor visit will create proof in your medical records of when the injury occurred, even if you start feeling worse after you get home.

Do Not Fall for Sweet Talk by Insurance Claims Adjusters

While calling most customer service hotlines is an unpleasant experience, insurance claims adjusters tend to be good at putting claimants at ease, even when you are giving a recorded statement about your accident. Do not be fooled by their charming conversation, though. What sounds like small talk is the adjusters trying to get you to contradict yourself or make it sound like you bear more fault for the accident than you actually do or like your injuries are only partially related to the accident. The best thing to do is to have a lawyer give a statement on your behalf.

Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey About Getting a Fair Settlement for a Car Accident Claim

A car accident lawyer can help you negotiate with the car insurance company to get a fair settlement, so you do not have to go through the stress of a lawsuit. Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey in Houma, Louisiana to set up a consultation about your case.