Driving when you are drunk or drowsy is plenty dangerous, but so is driving when you are angry or stressed. Of course, given today’s 24-hour news cycle of doom and the high price of almost everything, no one would go anywhere if you had to be stress-free to get behind the wheel. Fortunately, Louisiana is one of the most stress resistant places around. There is so much good food and so many old and new friends to share it with that you can easily find a reason not to let bad news or being broke ruin your day. For every person who makes a point of being outspoken about his or her opinions, there are 10 who will simply smile and say, “That’s nice” when someone says something rude or patently false. Some Louisianians never curse, while others only do it in good fun.
Driver aggression contributes to many car accidents nationwide, albeit fewer than in most other states. Although Louisiana consistently gets abysmal scores on education and physical fitness metrics, Louisiana is in the top ten states for polite drivers, which is a reason to celebrate, even though we were going to celebrate anyway. If road rage was a contributing factor in the car accident that caused your injuries, contact a Houma car accident lawyer.
Car Accidents Related to Road Rage
Nationwide, aggressive driving is a major program. In the past decade, road rage has caused more than 200 fatalities and more than 12,000 injuries. There have even been some highly publicized murders that started out as road rage incidents that escalated. Most road rage incidents have less extreme consequences, although they are plenty dangerous. These are the most common manifestations of road rage:
Fortunately, Louisiana has the fourth lowest incidence of road rage out of all 50 states, according to a report by Forbes Advisor. Fewer than 10% of Louisiana drivers surveyed said that road rage is a frequent occurrence in their state. 9% said that, at least once, another driver has gotten out of a vehicle to confront them. The states that Forbes Advisor ranked as having the most aggressive drivers are Arizona, Rhode Island, Virginia, West Virginia, and Oklahoma. Virginia and Rhode Island are understandable, given the hustle and bustle of the Eastern Seaboard, where one continuous traffic jam runs from Boston to the Virginia suburbs of D.C., and perhaps some Hollywood entitlement radiates all the way to Arizona, but one would expect the drivers in West Virginia and Oklahoma to be more mild-mannered.
Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey About Car Accidents
A car accident lawyer can help you if you have been injured in an accident caused by aggressive driving. Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey in Houma, Louisiana, to set up a consultation about your case.