Driving is such a big part of our lives that it is easy to forget that operating a motor vehicle is more dangerous than traveling by plane or pirouguing in the swamp. There are some measures you can take to avoid getting in a car accident and to avoid suffering serious injuries if another driver collides with your car. Avoiding distractions is the key to preventing accidents; although Louisiana’s laws on cell phone use by drivers are somewhat lenient, you should avoid looking at your phone while driving. Of course, you cannot control the actions of other drivers, but maintaining a distraction-free vehicle will enable you to react in time to avoid a crash. If you cannot avoid a collision, wearing a seatbelt is the most important factor regarding whether you avoid serious injuries. Car companies are developing new safety features all the time, but none has made as big a difference as the safety harness, the seatbelt that goes across your upper body and your waist. If you do get injured in a car accident, a car accident injury lawyer can help you recover compensation to cover your medical expenses and lost income.
Notable Car Accidents in Houma
These are some car accidents that made news headlines in Houma this year:
Contact Patrick Yancey About Car Accident Cases
If your car accident was the result of another driver’s negligence, you might be able to collect damages. Patrick H. Yancey, a personal injury lawyer, can help you rebuild your life after the physical and financial devastation of a car accident. Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey in Houma, Louisiana to see if you have grounds for a car accident lawsuit.