Most people decide to file a personal injury lawsuit after a car accident because the injuries they sustained in the accident have caused them financial hardship.  The medical bills for treatment of a serious injury can add up to tens of thousands of dollars, or even more. Serious injuries can force you to stay away from your job for an extended period; in the worst cases, you might need to change career paths to a less physically or mentally demanding job, or even leave the workforce entirely. In that case, you can request damages in your lawsuit to cover not only the cost of your medical treatment but also the income you lost because of your injury. Living with a serious injury causes non-financial hardships, too, such as chronic pain, no longer being able to enjoy leisure activities, and emotional stress for you and your family. For this reason, Louisiana law allows you to request noneconomic damages, too; noneconomic damages are sometimes called pain and suffering. To find out more about requesting noneconomic damages in a car accident lawsuit, contact a Houma car accident lawyer.

The Challenges of Living With Traumatic Brain Injury

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is like a concussion, except more severe. Motor vehicle accidents are a common cause of TBI, as are assault and sports such as football. The physical symptoms of TBI, such as headaches, vision disturbances, and increased sensitivity to light and noise, can last for years. Perhaps the behavioral and emotional symptoms of TBI are even harder to deal with.  People with TBI often experience depression, irritability, apathy, impaired memory, and inability to empathize. A person’s personality may appear to change after suffering a TBI; a famous example is Phineas Gage, a man who suffered a TBI in a railroad construction accident in 1848.  Before the accident, Gage was friendly, got along with other people, and never used vulgar language, but after the accident, he swore, picked fights, and walked around in the New Hampshire winter without a coat or boots.

If you have suffered a TBI in a car accident, you may no longer be able to practice your profession or maintain your relationships with your friends. Your family may have previously relied on you for your kindness and emotional stability, but after the TBI, they may be the ones taking care of you and living in fear of your mood swings. The ways in which a TBI affects your life and the lives of the people closest to you are a perfect example of why plaintiffs are sometimes entitled to noneconomic damages in personal injury cases.

Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey About Car Accidents Resulting in Traumatic Brain Injury

A car accident lawyer can help you if you or a close family member suffered a traumatic brain injury in a car accident. Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey in Houma, Louisiana to see if you have grounds for a lawsuit.