Every few minutes, someone somewhere in the world posts a new video on YouTube about state-of-the-art vehicle technologies. People are constantly working to make cars faster, more energy efficient, and more automated, as well as to make them look cooler. These developments have made motor vehicle travel safer over the years, but the seatbelt has done more than any other safety feature when it comes to preventing fatalities and serious injuries in traffic collisions. At any given moment, only about 10% of motor vehicle occupants are not wearing seatbelts. Despite this, approximately 40% of people who have died in car accidents in recent years were not wearing seatbelts. If you have been severely injured in a car accident, whether or not you were wearing a seatbelt, contact a Houma car accident lawyer.

Car Crashes Into Tree on Bayou Road

On a Friday night in December 2021, Casey Jones of Plaquemine was driving his 2004 Nissan 350 on Bayou Road. In the passenger seat was Dallen Babin. Jones and Babin were not wearing seatbelts. For reasons unknown, the car veered off to the right side of the road and collided with a tree. When first responders arrived, they transported Jones, 24, who was seriously injured, to a hospital. Babin was pronounced dead at the scene. He was 20 years old.

Babin was a lifelong resident of Plaquemine. After graduating from high school in 2020, he worked at the Plaquemine Walmart. He is survived by his parents, his paternal grandparents, and his brother Brayden, known as Bubba.

An investigation into the accident is still going on. Police took a blood sample from Jones at the scene to determine whether he was under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of the accident, but news reports have not released the results of the toxicology test. Likewise, published sources have not indicated how fast Jones was driving at the time of the accident, or if there were any other factors, such as poor road conditions, inadequate lighting, or distracted driving, that could have caused him to crash.

The Rights of Car Accidents Victims

A passenger in a car that causes an accident is not at fault for the accident, even if it is a single-vehicle collision. If you got injured in a single-vehicle crash, you have the right to sue the driver who caused the accident for damages, including medical bills and lost income. If a family member of yours died in a single-vehicle accident in which they were a passenger, then you have the right to file a wrongful death lawsuit; if you depended on the victim financially, you can request damages in the amount of what the remainder of the victim’s lifetime earnings would have been if they had survived.

Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey About Single-Vehicle Accidents

A car accident lawyer can help you get justice if you suffered serious injuries in a car accident where you were a passenger. Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey in Houma, Louisiana to see if you have grounds for a lawsuit.