The car-versus-SUV debate has been going on since the 90s when SUVs supplanted minivans as the preferred way for suburban parents to transport their children and their untold amounts of stuff. The debate seems to grow especially heated when it takes the form of choosing a vehicle for a newly licensed driver. Should the kid who rode to school, soccer practice, and choir rehearsal in a minivan drive a compact car or an SUV now that she is a teenager with a driver’s license? The SUV partisans claim that, in a collision between an SUV and a car, the SUV will sail over the car, crushing the car in its undercarriage. The car partisans will say that a collision impact that might cause a car to spin and skid, a scenario where seatbelts and airbags can still prevent catastrophic injury, will cause an SUV to overturn on its roof, which is much worse. In fact, any vehicle can overturn in a collision; the height of the vehicle is only one of many factors that can increase the likelihood of a rollover. If you have been injured in an accident where an SUV or some other type of vehicle overturned, contact a Houma car accident lawyer.

Passenger Dies When T-Bone Collision Causes SUV to Overturn

A collision between an SUV and a car does not always mean a worse outcome for the occupants of the car than for the occupants of the SUV. A stronger predictive factor of severe injury is which vehicle struck which. The occupants of the struck vehicle usually sustain more severe injuries than the occupants of the striking vehicle. This does not always mean that the insurance companies assign all or most of the fault to the driver of the striking vehicle. The driver of the struck vehicle can be mostly or entirely at fault if he or she brakes unexpectedly and without good reason or makes an illegal turn.

In April 2024, a blue Honda Accord ran a stop sign on Jewella Avenue in Shreveport and T-boned a Cadillac XTS SUV that was crossing an intersection. The SUV overturned as a result of the impact, and the driver of the SUV remained inside the SUV while the passenger, Theresa Randle, was ejected through the sunroof. Both SUV occupants were transported to the hospital.  Randle died of her injuries later that day. She was 63 years old. The driver of the Honda was not injured seriously enough to require hospitalization. News reports did not indicate whether the Honda driver has faced criminal charges arising from the accident. Regardless of whether the SUV is charged with or convicted of a crime, Randle’s family has the right to file a lawsuit in civil court.

Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey About Car Accident Cases

A car accident lawyer can help you if you have suffered a serious injury in a motor vehicle accident where a vehicle overturned. Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey in Houma, Louisiana, to set up a consultation about your case.
