Drowsy driving is a serious problem in the United States. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 72,000 crashes were caused by drowsy driving in 2013, resulting in 44,000 injuries and 800 fatalities.
Accidents caused by drowsy driving are entirely preventable, which makes drivers who fall asleep behind the wheel guilty of negligence. If you or a loved one are injured by a drowsy driver, then you can file a personal injury lawsuit.
Falling asleep behind the wheel is also a problem for Louisianans. In 2016, the Kappa Sigma fraternity at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette subjected a pledge to “extreme sleep deprivation” during homecoming weekend. Michael Gallagher blamed this hazing for his falling asleep at the wheel and killing a pedestrian. He and his parents (as well as the family of the deceased engineering student) sued the fraternity. While this is an extraordinary example of drowsy driving, it does demonstrate the risk of driving when sleep deprived.
In March 2017, a sleeping driver struck several cars on Interstate 12 while traveling 80 miles per hour, according to the Baton Rouge Police Department. He then exited the interstate and hit several cars in a hospital parking lot where he was taken into custody.
In 2015, a New Orleans family was on its way to visit relatives in Mississippi when the driver fell asleep behind the wheel in Crystal Springs. According to the Mississippi Highway Patrol, the car drifted off the interstate, hit a tree and caught on fire. The two adults and two children in the car all died in the crash.
How Does Drowsiness Affect Your Driving?
Sleepy drivers have slower reaction times, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which means they might not brake in time to avoid an accident.
Drowsiness makes it more difficult for drivers to think clearly. They have a harder time focusing on the road and making snap decisions. Those at risk of falling asleep behind the wheel include commercial truck drivers, night-shift workers and people taking certain medications. According to the CDC, you shouldn’t be behind the wheel if you are:
Drowsy driving accidents are entirely preventable. Don’t get behind the wheel if you are sleep deprived. Other prevention tips from the CDC include:
Contact Us Today
Contact Patrick Yancey Law Firm today for a free consultation if you or a loved one have been injured by a driver who fell asleep behind the wheel. Our experienced attorneys will help you recover compensation for these injuries, including medical expenses and pain and suffering.