The Most Important Words to Say to the Insurance Company: “Talk to My Lawyer”
Phone conversations with insurance companies are a normal part of the aftermath of a car accident. You call your own insurance company to make a claim shortly after the accident. You might get a letter in the mail a few weeks later, asking you for more details about the accident, and the other driver’s insurance company might even call you with additional questions. All of these formalities probably register as a slight annoyance, but not much more; it is time-consuming to wait on hold to make your claim, and when the insurance companies call you, it is often at inconvenient times. Of course, it is a bummer to see your car insurance rates go up after a car accident, but it is not really a surprise. If you were injured in the accident, though, the stakes are higher; what you say to the insurance companies makes a big difference. The best thing to do is not to talk to the other driver’s insurance company at all. Instead, ask the insurance company to contact your Louisiana car accident lawyer.
Recorded Statements for Insurance Purposes: Do Not Fall for it
After an accident, the insurance companies gather evidence in order to find out which driver is responsible for what fraction of the fault for the accident. Based on the percentages of fault, they offer settlements to the drivers involved in the collision. They look at police reports and images of the vehicle damage to help them figure it out, but they also take recorded statements from both drivers if they are able to. Despite what the insurance agent might tell you at the beginning of the call, you are not required to give a recorded statement. In fact, it is best if you do not give one.
As friendly as the agent who calls you may sound, the insurance company is not taking the recorded statement for your benefit. They are actually taking the statement in order to make you look bad. These are some of the things they are hoping to hear from you:
In other words, the insurance company is looking for any excuse to give you less money than you deserve. You do not have to fall for it, though. If you are injured in an accident, you should contact a lawyer before the insurance company tries to get a recorded statement from you. When they call, tell them that you have a lawyer representing you and that they should call your lawyer instead.
Contact Patrick Yancey About Car Accident Cases
A car accident lawyer can help you long before things get bad enough that you need to file a lawsuit. Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey in Houma, Louisiana to see if you have grounds for a lawsuit.