According to The National Safety Council, traffic death rates are three times greater at night than during the day. Many of us are unaware of the hazards involved with driving at night or don’t know effective ways to deal with them. In this post, we would like to share some advice from The National Safety Council that may make driving at night a bit safer.

The National Safety Council recommends these steps:

1. Prepare your car for night driving. Keep headlights, tail lights, signal lights and windows (inside and out) clean.

2. Have your headlights properly aimed. Miss-aimed headlights blind other drivers and reduce your ability to see the road.

3. Don’t drink and drive. Not only does alcohol severely impair your driving ability, it also acts as a depressant. Just one drink can induce fatigue.

4. Avoid smoking when you drive. Smoke’s nicotine and carbon monoxide hamper night vision.

5. If there is any doubt, turn your headlights on. Lights will not help you see better in early twilight, but they’ll make it easier for other drivers to see you.

6. Reduce your speed and increase your following distances. It is more difficult to judge other vehicle’s speeds and distances at night.

7. Don’t overdrive your headlights. You should be able to stop inside the illuminated area. If you’re not, you are creating a blind crash area in front of your vehicle.

8. When following another vehicle, keep your headlights on low beams so you don’t blind the driver ahead of you.

9. If an oncoming vehicle doesn’t lower beams from high to low, avoid glare by watching the right edge of the road and using it as a steering guide.

10. Make frequent stops for light snacks and exercise. If you’re too tired to drive, stop and get rest.

11. If you have car trouble, pull off the road as far as possible. Warn approaching traffic at once by setting up reflecting triangles near your vehicle and 300 feet behind it. Turn on flashers and the dome light. Stay off the roadway and get passengers away from the area.