Earlier this summer, a young man made a youthful mistake that cost two of his peers their lives. He consumed a moderate amount of alcohol and then drove. He was driving south on Highway 3090 in Lafourche Parish when he crossed the center lane into the northbound lanes and struck a car head-on. The accident fatally injured the driver and passenger of the northbound vehicle. The two rear passengers suffered non-life-threatening injuries. The drunk driver was arrested at the scene of the accident. A breath test showed that his blood alcohol content was 0.14. If he had been 21 years old, that would have been nearly twice the legal limit, but since he is only 18, it is seven times the legal limit. If you have been injured in a car accident caused by an underage drunk driver, contact a Houma car accident lawyer.
Louisiana is known for its relaxed attitude toward the consumption of alcoholic beverages, and especially toward underage drinking. This contributes to Louisiana’s popularity as a vacation spot and makes out-of-state students apply to Louisiana universities without thinking twice about the cost of out-of-state tuition.
Louisiana’s attitude toward underage drinking is not one of lawlessness, however. The law states that minors may consume small quantities of alcohol for medicinal or religious purposes. For example, children can drink sacramental wine when taking Communion in church, and they may take prescription cough syrups that contain alcohol according to their doctor’s instructions. It is also legal for minors to consume alcohol at private residences under parental supervision. The police will not show up at your family New Year’s party and card you right after the champagne toast.
When it comes to people under the age of 21, the laws are stricter. For drivers aged 21 and older, you cannot get charged with driving while intoxicated (DWI) unless your blood alcohol content (BAC) is at least 0.08%. For drivers below the age of 21, any BAC greater than or equal to 0.02% is considered DWI. This means that you can drink one alcoholic beverage and drive an hour later, and you will still count as legally drunk if you take a breathalyzer test.
Parents are legally responsible for damages caused by their minor children. This means that if a drunk driver under the age of 18 causes an accident and injures you, you may be able to file a claim against his or her parents. If the at-fault driver was below the age of 21 and consumed alcohol at a bar, you may be able to file a dram shop liability claim.
A car accident lawyer can help you if you have suffered a serious injury after a car accident caused by an underage drunk driver. Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey in Houma, Louisiana, to set up a consultation about your case.