It is no secret that asbestos is dangerous; it causes mesothelioma. The evidence of the dangers of asbestos is very clear; in fact, asbestos has been completely banned since 1989. As with other pollutants, simply banning the use of asbestos in new construction has not entirely removed the threat of mesothelioma. Consider the example of lead paint, which was banned in 1978. Cases of lead poisoning continue to occur in children who lived in old, lead-painted buildings and ingest paint chips. Despite efforts to phase out asbestos, it still presents a danger to many people; when asbestos dust is inhaled mesothelioma can result. Therefore, workers who renovate asbestos-containing buildings and ships continue to be exposed to asbestos and the risk of developing mesothelioma. If you know someone who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, consult a mesothelioma injury lawyer to get help with this devastating disease.

Mesothelioma Trust Funds

By the 1920s, enough construction workers and shipbuilders had died from mesothelioma, that it was obvious that something was wrong. In those days, most mesothelioma victims’ families were compensated through workers’ compensation settlements. In the early 1970s, major civil and criminal lawsuits, and stricter regulations put some of the main asbestos-producing companies out of business.  Mesothelioma trust funds are a result of the liquidation of these companies.

Many people with mesothelioma can make claims against these trust funds. The mesothelioma trust funds were created to compensate mesothelioma victims. But the amount of money any person receives from a mesothelioma trust fund will usually not be enough to fairly compensate  the worker and his/her family.

What are the Other Options?

Some people with mesothelioma caused by asbestos exposure, file workers’ compensation claims. Workers’ compensation benefit payments are only designed to reimburse workers for medical expenses and some lost income.  Worker’s compensation benefits do not take into account the families’ significant financial losses, including pain and suffering and loss of income past and future. Additionally, workers’ compensation benefits do not take into account the significant physical and emotional pain and suffering related to the loss of a family member.

Contact Patrick Yancey About Mesothelioma Cases

Mesothelioma has no cure, but financial remedies are available for families and victims who suffer and die from mesothelioma. Filing a personal injury lawsuit for asbestos exposure that causes mesothelioma could be the best option for you. Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey in Houma, Louisiana to see if you have grounds for an asbestos exposure lawsuit.