It is always a good time to visit Louisiana, whether you are visiting rural areas to enjoy the scenic fall leaves and the mild winter weather or visiting New Orleans to get caught up in the excitement of the Mardi Gras parades, Jazz Fest, or the Essence Music Festival. People in Louisiana are famous for the ability to segue quickly from small talk to autobiographical narratives with a Pulitzer Prize-worthy level of detail and artistry, so if you get into a conversation with someone, you are likely to find out that they are not from around here, and everyone has a unique reason for ending up in Louisiana. This also means that, when two cars collide in Louisiana, there is a good chance that one of the drivers was from out of state. If you have been injured in a car accident where the at-fault driver was a resident of somewhere other than Louisiana, a Houma car accident lawyer can help you get compensation for your accident-related financial losses.

Choose Your Words Carefully When Talking to Insurance Claims Adjusters

Even though every driver in every state is legally required to have car insurance, getting a fair settlement after a car accident is much more complicated than it sounds. After the accident, you should exchange contact information and insurance information with the other driver, even if the driver is from another state. Which insurance company is responsible for paying depends on many details. For example, if the driver was driving a rental car, then the temporary insurance they purchased as a condition of the rental might play a role. No matter where the driver is insured, something that all insurance companies have in common is that it is in their financial interest to pay you less than the full amount of your accident-related financial losses. Therefore, when you are talking to insurance claims adjusters, never imply that the accident was partially your fault or that your injuries could have been due to some cause other than the accident. The best way to avoid these mistakes is to have a lawyer speak on your behalf, especially if your accident-related medical bills are very expensive.

What Happens in Louisiana is Under the Jurisdiction of the Louisiana Courts

If you decide to file a personal injury lawsuit in relation to the accident, then you must file the lawsuit in Louisiana. The courts of Louisiana have jurisdiction to decide lawsuits about accidents that took place in Louisiana, even if one driver was from out of state and even if both drivers were not from Louisiana. This means that both the plaintiff and the defendant must hire lawyers certified to practice law in Louisiana.

Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey About Car Accidents Involving Visitors From Out of State

A car accident lawyer can help you if you have been injured in a car accident where the driver who caused the accident was only visiting Louisiana temporarily. Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey in Houma, Louisiana to set up a consultation about your case.