Few things are scarier than waking up at the scene of a car accident of which you have little memory. If you lose consciousness as the result of a car wreck, it probably means that you have a concussion, even if you are only unconscious for a few seconds. A concussion can result if either your head hits anything in the car or if your head shakes violently or with enough force in the accident.. Even if the doctors tell you that it was a mild concussion, the injury can still cause symptoms for a long time; symptoms include headaches, memory deficits, cognitive or information processing deficits, visions problems, nausea, vomiting, anxiety and/or depression. The financial effects of a concussion can be devastating to a person and his/her family.  If you have been diagnosed with a concussion resulting from a car accident, contact a Louisiana car accident lawyer.

Symptoms of Concussion

A concussion is a brain injury. Your brain controls every other part of your body, so if you get a concussion, it might be a long time before you feel normal again. If you lose consciousness when the wreck occurs, then when you first wake up, confusion might be the main thing you feel. Many people have little memory of the minutes or hours leading up to the accident. In the hours following the concussion injury, some of the following symptoms might develop:

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness, sometimes so severe that you lose your balance
  • Nausea and/or vomiting
  • Sensitivity to light and sound
  • Blurred vision

After your injury diagnosis, the doctor will probably tell you to limit your activities. You may be asked to lie down in a dark room for several days or more, and that might be all you feel like doing.  The headaches and other symptoms may go away slowly, and there is little you can do to speed up your recovery. Even after the acute symptoms resolve, you might have long-term effects from the concussion, and some of these can be debilitating. For example, you might experience the following symptoms occasionally or frequently:

  • Impaired short-term memory
  • Mood changes, such as depression or irritability
  • Poor decision making or impulsive behavior
  • Difficulty finding words or making sense of what other people say

In some cases, these post-concussion symptoms can become the new normal. Even if you make a full recovery, having had a concussion increases the risk that another concussion or head injury, even if seemingly minor, will lead to a worse outcome or not as good of a recovery. If your doctor tells you to limit your activities after getting a concussion, it is important to do so. Going back to work too soon could complicate or delay your recovery process.  A car wreck lawyer will help you recover from the financial consequences of the accident.

Contact Patrick Yancey About Car Accident Cases

A car wreck lawyer can help you regain the financial security you lost because of a car accident that resulted in a concussion. Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey in Houma, Louisiana to see if you have grounds for a lawsuit.