Whoever said that the cure is as bad as the disease was probably referring to cancer. The day that your doctor told you that your cancer was in remission was probably one of the happiest days of your life, but the path to becoming cancer-free was not an easy one. If you underwent surgery and your doctors were able to remove the tumor completely, they inevitably took away some lung tissue with it, so your days of running marathons or singing opera are probably over. After you finish chemotherapy, it can take months or even years before foods begin to taste the way they did before you started treatment. 

Most cases of mesothelioma are the result of occupational exposure to asbestos, which means that the party that exposed you to the asbestos had a duty of care to protect you from it, and you have the right to sue for damages. Many cancer survivors credit complementary and alternative therapies for helping them get through treatment and be as healthy as they are after the treatment is finished. Doctors and patients work together to manage chronic illnesses like mesothelioma, and if you choose to pursue complementary therapies, that is your right. A mesothelioma lawyer can help you get a fair settlement so that you do not have to spend your energy arguing with insurance companies over every acupuncture session.

What are Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Malignant Mesothelioma?

Complementary and alternative therapies are health-seeking behaviors that patients pursue instead of (in the case of alternative therapies) or in addition to (in the case of complementary ones) the treatments recommended by medical doctors who have evaluated you. Complementary and alternative therapies are very popular and are not limited to cancer treatments; millions of people take vitamin supplements every day, and only a small fraction of them are doing it because a doctor recommended it as a way of managing a specific medical condition with which the patient has been diagnosed. The most popular complementary and alternative therapies for malignant mesothelioma, as for many other conditions, include diets, nutritional supplements, massage, acupuncture, and meditation. Although peer reviewed journals about alternative medicine exist, there have been few clinical trials studying the effects of alternative and complementary therapies on cancer.

How Will it Affect Your Mesothelioma Lawsuit if You Pursue Complementary and Alternative Therapies?

Mesothelioma affects your health permanently, even if you are in remission; only you can tell what eases your pain and what makes you feel worse. If you decide to forgo surgery and chemotherapy and instead follow a vegan diet and take nutritional supplements, the defendants could say that, by not following medical advice, you are sicker than you would be if you had done the surgery or chemo. Therefore, this could limit the damages you receive for your mesothelioma claim.  Once you have the settlement money, though, you can spend it on any kind of treatment you choose.

Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey About Seeking Financial Freedom After a Mesothelioma Diagnosis

A mesothelioma lawyer can help you recover compensation for the costs of your mesothelioma treatment, so that you can spend the money on things that make you feel happy and healthy. Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey in Houma, Louisiana to see if you have grounds for a lawsuit.