To some extent, the difference between a chronic disease and an incurable disease is a matter of perspective. Oncologists’ offices sometimes ask patients to ring a bell to celebrate their last chemotherapy session or a cancer-free test result. Doctors counsel patients not to focus too much on cures and especially not to put their trust… Read More
Posts Categorized In: Mesothelioma Exposure
La decisión judicial permite que la demanda por mesotelioma de un trabajador de un astillero proceda en un tribunal estatal
A pesar de que los síntomas del mesotelioma maligno generalmente no ocurren hasta décadas después de que la persona estuvo expuesta al asbesto, generalmente es fácil identificar dónde y cómo ocurrió la exposición al asbesto. Un número desproporcionado de diagnósticos de mesotelioma ocurre en personas que estuvieron expuestas al polvo de asbesto en el contexto de su trabajo en el ... leer más
¿Puede la exposición a polvos de talco causar mesotelioma maligno?
A estas alturas, el hecho de que la exposición al polvo de amianto es la principal causa del mesotelioma maligno es tan bien conocido que el uso del mesotelioma en los materiales de construcción ha sido ilegal durante décadas. Incluso los productos que contienen amianto y que conllevan un bajo riesgo de inhalación de polvo de amianto, como la nieve artificial para la decoración navideña, desaparecieron de la... leer más
La supervivencia a largo plazo es posible tras la cirugía del mesotelioma
La tasa de supervivencia a cinco años ha ido aumentando para muchos tipos de cáncer, y las muertes por cáncer son mucho menores en Estados Unidos y otros países altamente industrializados que hace 30 años. A pesar de ello, el mesotelioma es uno de los cánceres más difíciles de tratar porque rara vez muestra síntomas hasta que ha alcanzado un... Read More
¿Reaparece el mesotelioma después de haber remitido?
Healthcare is so expensive that some people spend years paying off bills from accidents and illnesses from which they have long since made a full recovery, but chronic illnesses, from which the patient is never truly cured, are even more financially devastating. With a chronic illness, you can have good days and bad days, and… Read More
La fatiga: El síntoma más persistente del mesotelioma
Today’s world hardly gives anyone a chance to rest. Employers expect you to respond to work emails 24/7, and universities award the most generous scholarships to students who not only spend long hours studying but also participate in multiple extracurricular activities. In the rare event that you find time to rest, your phone sends you… Read More
Las terapias complementarias y alternativas y su demanda por mesotelioma
Whoever said that the cure is as bad as the disease was probably referring to cancer. The day that your doctor told you that your cancer was in remission was probably one of the happiest days of your life, but the path to becoming cancer-free was not an easy one. If you underwent surgery and… Read More
¿Deben los pacientes con mesotelioma optar por la quimioterapia?
Even if you catch it at an early stage, a cancer diagnosis changes your life forever. You look forward to being cancer-free; some cancer centers even celebrate this moment by having patients ring a bell when they finish their last treatment session. Of course, being in remission only means that you are cancer-free so far;… Read More
¿Debe presentar una reclamación de indemnización por mesotelioma?
Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer, but in about 80% of cases, it is possible to clearly identify occupational exposure to asbestos dust as the cause of the mesothelioma. Most mesothelioma cases occur in people who have worked in industries such as construction and building renovation, mining, and shipbuilding or in their family members… Read More
Los síntomas por sí solos no bastan para diagnosticar el mesotelioma
By now, most adults have figured out that nothing good can come from Googling your symptoms. Most serious illnesses cannot be diagnosed by symptoms alone; a diagnosis requires blood tests or other medical procedures to find out what is causing the symptoms. Mesothelioma is one of those diseases that is complicated to diagnose. The chances… Read More