Our trusted personal injury attorneys can aid and legally support you if you have been injured as the result of Dangerous or Defective Products, including defective drugs/medications. We provide excellent and thorough assistance in the event a product was defectively manufactured, the manufacturer failed to provide suitable warnings, or the product was designed improperly. Our complete legal and technical knowledge is necessary to prove the product you were injured by is defective.
We are happy to provide you with the strong legal support you need to obtain the compensation you deserve if a manufacturer has compromised your safety. Our Houma defective product lawyers will bring you the justice you deserve.
Some examples of products that have proven defects include:
If you have been injured at your workplace using defective equipment, at home using appliances or in cars, or if you have taken prescription or over-the-counter medications that have caused you harm, the Patrick Yancey Law Office will assist you as a Houma defective products lawyer. In the ill-fated occasion that an injury caused death to your loved one, we are also prepared to bring you the justice you deserve.
If you or anyone you know has been the victim of a defective or dangerous product, our law office is available to respond to inquiries. Do not hesitate to contact us so that we can discuss the circumstances of your injury and assist you in every possible way.