Stop signs are usually the first thing that children learn about driving, perhaps second only to traffic lights. The red, octagonal sign provides the context for reading the word “stop,” and if preschoolers are present in the back seat, they will often loudly protest if the adult behind the wheel attempts a “California stop sign” maneuver. Despite this, numerous collisions occur in Louisiana each year due to drivers failing to stop at stop signs. If you got injured in a car accident because the at-fault driver passed a stop sign and kept going, a Houma car accident lawyer can help you get the money you need to pay for treatment of your injuries.

Tallulah Police Officer Injured When Motorist Runs Stop Sign

An officer with the Tallulah Police Department in Madison Parish was recently involved in a car accident. A car ran a stop sign and collided with the officer’s vehicle, causing her to suffer non-life-threatening injuries. The driver who struck her vehicle was 21 and is suspected of having been under the influence of alcohol at the time of the accident. He received a citation for failure to obey a stop sign and criminal charges for first-degree driving while intoxicated (DWI).

Penalties for Running a Stop Sign in Louisiana

In Louisiana, as in most other states, running a stop sign is considered a traffic violation, not a crime. Therefore, if you get pulled over for running a stop sign, or if you run a stop sign and cause an accident, you will get a traffic citation, but you will not face criminal charges. The fees for the traffic ticket vary from one parish and municipality to another, but they usually do not exceed $225.

What Happens if You are Injured When a Driver Fails to Stop at a Stop Sign?

The driver who runs a stop sign is clearly at fault for the accident; this will be obvious to the police and the insurance companies. Therefore, it will not be difficult to persuade the insurance companies to pay money toward your claim. If you sustained injuries in the accident, though, it is still a challenge to get the insurance company to cover the full amount of your medical bills.  Insurance companies are more concerned with their own financial interests than with your well-being, so they will use every excuse to justify paying you less than the total cost of your treatment. If you need more money than the insurance company offers, do not sign to accept the settlement offer.  Instead, contact a personal injury lawyer to help you negotiate for a better settlement.

Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey About Car Accidents Involving Failure to Stop at a Stop Sign

A car accident lawyer can help you if you have been injured in a car accident where the driver who caused the accident did not stop when the law required this. Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey in Houma, Louisiana, to set up a consultation about your case.