The five-year survival rate has been increasing for many types of cancers, and cancer deaths are much lower in the United States and other highly industrialized countries than they were 30 years ago. Despite this, mesothelioma is one of the most difficult cancers to treat because it rarely shows symptoms until it has reached an advanced stage. Malignant mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that can affect the pleurae, which are the linings of the chest cavity and outer surfaces of the lungs, or the peritoneum, which is the lining of the abdominal cavity.  Approximately 80% of people diagnosed with mesothelioma have been exposed to asbestos dust, either in the workplace or because they were in direct contact for a prolonged period of time to someone who worked with asbestos. Most patients survive an average of 14 months after their mesothelioma diagnosis, but long-term survival is possible, and it is becoming more common. If you have recently received a mesothelioma diagnosis, you still have a lot of living to do, and a Houma mesothelioma lawyer can help you get the financial support you need for yourself and your family.

Mesothelioma Survivor Heather Celebrates “Lung Leavin’ Day” for 17 Years and Counting

In a blog post, Heather von St. James describes her decision to celebrate the anniversary of undergoing an extra-pleural pneumonectomy (EPP) surgery in February 2006. She had the surgery, in which doctors removed one of her lungs and part of her diaphragm and pericardium to get rid of all macroscopic (visible to the naked eye) signs of mesothelioma. While she was still under anesthesia, they applied chemotherapy drugs to her chest wall to destroy any cancer cells that may have remained but which they could not see. When she was cancer-free a year later, she decided to celebrate the anniversary of her mesothelioma surgery as “Lung Leavin’ Day.”

The first few years, Heather celebrated Lung Leavin’ Day with her family. They would write down their fears in Sharpie marker on china plates and then throw the plates into a bonfire. Now she celebrates Lung Leavin’ Day not only with her family and friends, but also with her large network of Instagram followers. Heather’s optimism and the emotional support she has received from her family have probably contributed to her longevity and have certainly improved her quality of life.

A cancer diagnosis is not the death sentence it once was, but long-term survival is only possible if you have access to treatment. Money should not stand between you and the treatment you need to make the day of your cancer diagnosis a long-ago event.

Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey About Surviving Mesothelioma

Living with mesothelioma means mobilizing your resources to get the best possible treatments.  A mesothelioma lawyer can help you if you have recently received a diagnosis of mesothelioma.  Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey in Houma, Louisiana to set up a consultation about your case.
