Personal injury lawsuits are not the only way injured people can receive compensation for their accident-related medical bills, and wrongful death lawsuits are not the only ways that the families of people killed in accidents can get compensation for the financial support they would have gotten from the victim if he or she had recovered from the injuries sustained in the accident.  For example, unless your injuries are catastrophic, you can usually get the compensation you need through insurance settlements, although sometimes the insurance companies only agree to pay you as much money as you need after you hire a car accident lawyer to negotiate with them on your behalf. If alcohol was a factor in the accident, the at fault driver may get criminal charges for driving while intoxicated (DWI). If the driver is convicted of DWI, the court may order him or her to pay restitution to victims. If the drunk driver is charged with DWI but not convicted, the plaintiff has the right to enter the proceedings of the criminal case as evidence in a civil lawsuit. One state even requires people convicted of DWI to pay child support to minors who lost a parent in an accident the convicted defendant caused, and several others, including Louisiana, are considering such a matter. If you were injured in an alcohol-related traffic collision, contact Houma car accident lawyer.

Bentley’s Law in Louisiana and Beyond

Bentley’s Law is named after Bentley and Mason, two children whose mother, father, and baby brother died after a drunk driver collided with their car in Missouri. The boys’ grandmother, Cecilia Williams, who has been raising Bentley and Mason since their parents’ deaths, has advocated for laws to ensure support for children orphaned by DWI accidents. The legislation she calls for is often called Bentley’s law, and it enables courts to order people convicted of DWI to pay child support to victims’ children if the drunk driver caused an accident in which the parent of a child under the age of 18 died. So far, Tennessee has adopted Bentley’s law, and at least eight other states, including Louisiana have introduced similar bills in their legislatures.

If you have minor children, it is obvious to any judge that your children depend on you for financial support, and that making ends meet while not being able to practice the same profession you practiced before the accident is not just a matter of reducing your discretionary spending. If you file a personal injury lawsuit requesting damages for lost income, and the court rules in your favor, the damages the court awards you can support your children the way that your employment income would have if not for the accident.

Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey About Car Accidents Involving Alcohol

A car accident lawyer can help you if you have been injured in a car accident where the driver of the car that hit you was drunk. Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey in Houma, Louisiana to set up a consultation about your case.
