The people of Louisiana are not known for their haste. While the folks in New York rush from the subway station to their offices on their morning commute, the people of New Orleans wait patiently for the streetcar on the city’s one and only streetcar line, and even after they arrive at their stop, they take the time to shoot the breeze with everyone they meet along the way. In Louisiana, we think nothing of waiting all day for the crawfish or the red beans and rice to boil to perfection. When it comes to filing lawsuits, though, plaintiffs in Louisiana had to act more quickly than their counterparts anywhere else. Until recently, the deadline for filing a personal injury lawsuit in Louisiana was one year from the date of the accident, but the law has recently changed, and the new, longer deadline will come as a relief to people who are struggling financially because of accidental injuries. If you are reaching the realization that your injuries related to a car accident are more financially harmful than you originally thought, contact a trusted car accident lawyer.

The New, Two-Year Statute of Limitations Makes It Easier for Injured Plaintiffs to Get Their Money

The statute of limitations is the official deadline for filing a lawsuit. As of 2024, the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury lawsuit is two years from the date of the accident, as it is in most states. Before this year, it was only one year, which meant that many personal injury lawsuits reached the court in a rushed manner. This new extension of the statute of limitations will likely make it easier for injured people to get compensation for their injuries, even as it reduces the number of lawsuits that reach the court.

Unless you have suffered a serious injury, it might not make sense why it would take so long to file a lawsuit. There are several reasons why hasty lawsuits are a bad idea. First, it can take months, or even more than a year, to know the true financial consequences of your injuries. How much more treatment will you need? When, if ever, will you be able to return to work, and will you be able to earn as much money as you did before the accident?

The financial compensation you can seek in a personal injury lawsuit is medical expenses and lost income. Once you know how much you have lost, you can file a lawsuit requesting it.  It only makes sense to file a lawsuit, though, if your losses exceed the policy limits of any insurance policies relevant to your accident. If your losses are within the policy limits, your lawyer can negotiate for an adequate insurance settlement, and this can take months.

Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey About Car Accident Cases

A car accident lawyer can help you if you were injured in a car accident just over a year ago.  Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey in Houma, Louisiana, to set up a consultation about your case.

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