Any motorcycle is at a disadvantage in a collision with a four-wheeled vehicle, but are some bikes safer than others? The parents of what the media euphemistically calls “affluent teens” spend countless hours watching YouTube videos about which car or SUV will best protect their little darlings in a crash, but should motorcycles, a rougher bunch, on average, than the spoiled children who receive cars as gifts for their 16th birthday, take the same approach? Which bike you choose and which upgrades, if any, you make can make a difference, but perhaps not in the ways you were expecting. If you have been injured when a car struck your motorcycle, contact a car accident lawyer.
The tires that come standard with your motorcycle are just the right ones for your bike. With any vehicle, you are safer if your tires are properly inflated, and you should replace them when they get worn out to ensure that they have proper traction. Vendors are willing to sell you all kinds of fancy tires, but none of them are better than the original ones. For example, you do not need slick tires for riding on public roads; those are for racing on race tracks. If anything, they will make you less safe, especially on slippery roads.
Big motorcycles make you feel powerful on an emotional level, but they do not defy the laws of physics. Bigger bikes are heavier, which makes them more difficult to steer, making it hard to get out of the way of obstacles quickly. The other bikers might laugh at you when they see your wimpy-looking bike, but you will be the one laughing as you quickly swerve away from danger.
Likewise, your motivation to get a big motorcycle might stem from a desire to get back at all the bullies who picked on you for being short when you were a teenager, but once again, you cannot buy your way out of the laws of physics. If your feet can’t reach the pedals, you are at greater risk of a collision, regardless of the circumstances.
Some people put additions on their motorcycles to make them noisier and alert other drivers of their presence. Most bikes are loud enough that other drivers can hear them, and they also have headlights. Making your bike noisier on purpose will only ruin your hearing.
If you are going to spend money on something to make your motorcycle ride safer, it should be a helmet, not a fancy motorcycle feature. Louisiana law does not always require you to wear helmets, but wearing a helmet increases your chances of survival in the event of a collision.
A car accident lawyer can help you if you have suffered a serious injury in a motorcycle accident. Contact the Law Office of Patrick H. Yancey in Houma, Louisiana, to set up a consultation about your case.